One of the most thought provoking, gritty operas is Porgy and Bess, which well be featured in Ferenc Erkel Opera Theatre Budapest.
George Gershwin’s popular and controversial work was written alongside DuBose Heyward, whose novel and play ‘Porgy’ was the inspiration for the opera.
Taking place in the fictional location of Catfish Row in the late 1920’s, the story examines the underprivileged lives of the residents.
Concert Venue: Ferenc Erkel Opera Theatre Budapest
Concert Date: 5 April – 17 April, 2019
Booking: book your tickets for this Budapest concert on the following page
Concert Program in Ferenc Erkel Opera Theatre Budapest
Gershwin : Porgy and Bess
- Conductor : Istvan Denes
- Director : Andras Almasi-Toth
The Hungarian State Opera House is under reconstruction until the spring of 2019 (exact date is to be confirmed).
Until the reopening, the contemporary Erkel Opera Theatre is the venue of the opera performances in Budapest.